Il lato migliore della phonemax

Il lato migliore della phonemax

Blog Article

Mengenai chipset, ponsel ini dilengkapi dengan MediaTek Helio G99, solusi octacore 2.2 GHz yang cukup baik, yang menjamin pengoperasian penuh dengan sebagian besar tugas paling umum nato da ponsel cerdas.

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Wat die battery betref, praat ons van 3200 mAh met 18W vinnige laai in tradisionele modus en 15W in draadlose modus. Ander belangrike inligting het betrekking op konnektiwiteit, aangesien die toestel 4G LTE ondersteun met alle beskikbare globale bande, Dual Wi-Fi 5.

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Wat die skyfiestel betref, is die foon toegerus met 'n aansienlike MediaTek Helio G99, 2.2 GHz octacore-oplossing, wat volle werkbaarheid met die meeste van die mees algemene take vir 'n slimfoon waarborg.

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The small detail that on 13 ultra the possibility of setting the AOD disappears when it is mentioned? When you search for the settings (as a suggestion, because the entry has disappeared) these damned themes and wallpapers always appear, which mai one gives a damn.

What it does offer is an underwater mode. But inexplicably, this isn't available Per mezzo di the camera app but with a binding to the user-defined button.

Night Vision: Equipped with advanced night vision technology, the R4GT enables clear visibility Per mezzo di low-light conditions, enhancing safety and sito web functionality during nighttime activities.

Inoltre, offre una proliferazione precisa dei colori e supporta HDR10+, Dolby Vision e ha un sensore di impronte digitali sotto lo schermo Durante unico sblocco rapido e immancabile.

Właśnie wychodząc naprzeciw tej części konsumentów wprowadzono na rynek Phonemax R4GT, uważany za najmniejszy telefon na świecie wyposażony w kamerę termowizyjną i noktowizor. - ​​Alle rettigheter forbeholdt - Denne bloggen representerer ikke en avis attraverso den oppdateres uten periodisitet, derfor kan den ikke betraktes som et redaksjonelt produkt i henhold til lov nr.

Thermal imaging: This feature allows users to detect heat signatures Sopra various scenarios, making it ideal for search and rescue operations, wildlife observation and more.

The Google Pixel 9 series has arrived, and with it comes a slew of features that make it stand out from its predecessors. While many …

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